Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy days.......

I have recently been on a short holiday to the countryside of Northern New South Wales. It is (to me at least) one of the most beautiful areas of Australia, and luckily only a few hours drive from my house.

Just before I left, I ordered some threads from Rebecca, and along with my order came a beautiful lilac temari and a Temari Addict coffee mug. It was a lovely surprise and I'm excited to see this type of pattern 'in person'. It's a variation of a swirl pattern, and if you click the image you can see the detail in the stitching. Thanks Rebecca!

My holiday lasted only 4 nights but was amazing. I could have quite happily spent another month there, but 'normal' life must keep going. Here is a picture of the cabin where I stayed. It is pretty much just a bed with a roof, and a little porch with a couple of chairs. I spent most of my time sat on the porch stitching temari and reading.

I ended up reading two novels and stitching 4 temari. I had the balls already made, so all I needed to do was stitch. I didn't take any patterns, books or instructions with me. My theory was that I needed to spend time being unstructured, and this applied to temari as well. So......using nothing but my head, I stitched a C8, JD, Kiku and another JD:

My aim was not to be too structured, not to be overly concerned with precision. The balls were ones from when I first started making temari and not very round, the marking wasn't very precise, and hence the stitching was not as exact as it could have been. BUT.......I stitched for the pure joy of it and had the best time. I didn't debate the colours, I just picked them. I tried not to thing tooooo much about the what/where/how's, and just take an idea and put it on the ball. And I think, overall, the results aren't too bad. I particularly like the pale purple one with the pink/green/yellow stitching. I'm going to re-do it with a slight variation on the obi part, and a bit more precision!

When I got home, I found out that the ball I sent to my Grandma had been shown around, and could I please make one as a 21st gift for another family member. Serendipitously, the colours requested were the colours I was already using on a ball, the pattern worked nicely, and so I think this one will fly south as a gift. It is done in Kyo rayons, which adds that extra element of special to the ball - perfect for a special gift. This is it here:

To top it off, I received my New Years GITS from Sue S in the mail. Looking at the brown cardboard box has nearly driven me to insanity, and it's only been 24 hours. Anyone who knows me can tell you that insatiable curiosity is a major part of my personality, for better and for worse. And when you link that with impatience, get the idea! The fact that I not only have a temari that I cannot see, have no idea what colour it is, what pattern it is, and that it has been made just for me, as well as giving me a specific date that I have to WAIT for..... it's driving me nuts!! I have hidden it in my temari room, behind the books, so that I cant see it. Hopefully that will make it easier!!
I hope everyone has a happy holiday time filled with good cheer and happiness.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Temari treasure arrived today

Today the mail lady dropped off my temari supplies order from Ai at TenTemari. I was so excited when I saw the box. Inside was a treasure trove of goodies. I got some bunka thread, clear rings for temari to sit on, and some plastic cores, as well as a roll of paper tape to weave a base out of. I know I can make these things myself, and probably will in the future, I just thought since I was ordering other things I might as well get them too. There was also the piece I was most excited to see - a musical mari base. I'm going to use it for a gift temari. I have an idea of the who/when it is for, and it plays quite a nice tune (hina matsuri).

The reason for my order was that my family get stuck trying to find birthday and Christmas gifts for me, so this year I asked for temari books and a musical mari base for myself. I had to put them back in the box to go to my parents house - and it was soooo difficult not to look through the books!!!

I cant wait till christmas to be able to look at all the amazing designs!!! The musical base plays "moon from ruined castle". It has a lovely haunting melody. I'm thinking it needs a design coloured in twilight shades like indigo and soft violet. I'm not in a hurry to stitch it as I want it to be a really effective piece.

Anyhow, I'm off to continue stitching my current project - and to browse books for possible patterns for the 'moon ball'. I hadnt let myself look at patterns in case the postal system kidnapped my order :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Latest creations

It's been a little while since the last post, life has been getting in the way of temari, and the temari that I have made have been intended as gifts, so I couldn't share them until they had been received. The good news is I can share two of them with you. I made the first one while procrastinating about another pattern (which I'm still avoiding). It's an S12 Kiku that now lives with Rebecca in Perth.

This next one is a thankyou present for my grandparents. Grandma kindly shared her stash of wool with me again, and now I have quite a hefty stockpile of yarn-wrap for temari. It is my second attempt at this pattern, and I was happy with how it turned out. I'm now doing this pattern for a third time - with the Japanese kyo rayons in my fav combo of black, white, blue and purple. Hopefully it wont be long before I can get it finished off and post it on here for you to see.